(775) 829-7400 | TTY: (775) 221-8993

Hi all,

This is a quick status update and follow-up to the prior communication that discussed some safety measures. Thanks to those of you who have brought your questions, concerns, and ideas to our attention; it really does help us keep our communication lines open as the situation evolves so we can work through this better together.

We are currently working on program re-design and operational plans for phased reopening, which we will be submitting to Aging and Disability Services for review next Friday. Phases will be aligned as much as possible with the Governor’s most recent 4-phase plan for our state; more information will be shared as things solidify. Per last messaging, we will remain mostly closed until at least June.

While we plan and prepare for reopening, we will have very limited on-site operations running in the interim. These will be limited to essential: production work, administrative support (e.g. payroll, accounting, and executive functions), and preparation activities by program managers. Through this, we will continue to address questions and concerns to the best of our ability as we work to plan and maintain safe environments. Please continue to keep communication lines open so we can discuss and adjust as needed.

As we plan our reopening, we will be applying the CDC guidelines covering Covid-19 preparation and response for Long Term Care Organizations (see link below). These guidelines cover safety measures such as Infection Prevention and Control to: reduce facility risk, protect workers and people served, respond to exposure concerns, and implement or strengthen business practices to keep our work and service environments safe. CDC guidelines are an extensive and helpful resource, and we encourage interested employees to refer to the CDC Guidelines for Long-Term Care Organizations.


We’ve also included another CDC link to assist us as individuals to cope and stay well as we meet these challenges and start to reintegrate into the community.


After our phased reopening plans are submitted to the State and finalized, we will share that information with you, including details about each phase of reopening along with the associated positions and compensation available. Training and education around organization and job-specific changes will also be provided as a part of our reopening preparation.

Thank you for your continued patience with all the changes as we navigate these uncharted waters!